JASA Reproducibility Guide


Reproducibility guide for authors and reviewers publishing in the Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA).

View the Project on GitHub jasa-acs/repro-guide

Author Guidelines

This document outlines the journal’s expectations for authors with regards to submission of code and data to allow for reproducibility of the work. During the review process, the reviewers and editors will assess the potential for the work to be reproduced based on the code and data provided. However, as with other aspects of a manuscript, it is ultimately the authors’ responsibility to ensure that the code and data are of high quality and that the work is reproducible. As the focal point for reproducibility information, authors are required to include an Author Contributions Checklist (ACC) Form with their submission.

The criteria for reproducibility that will be assessed during the reviewing process are as follows.

Please contact the Associate Editors for Reproducibility at jasa.app.cs.aer@gmail.com with any questions about submitting code and data or completing the ACC Form.